7th Heaven Palace: 7th Heaven Locations

Photo Gallery of 7th Heaven Locations

7th heaven house used in the current seasons and episodes original 7th heaven house used in the pilot glenoak church in color, actual first christian church of north hollywood glenaok church in black and white, actual first christian church of north hollywood
Glenoak Community Church - First Christian Church in North Hollywood Glenoak Community Church - first christian church in North Hollywood 2 Glenoak Community Church - first christian church in North Hollywood 3 Glenoak Community Church - first christian church in North Hollywood 4
roosevelt school used for ruthies elementary school university for matt, crawford university, actually UCLA walter reed junior high school, used for simon's middle school and ruthie's middle school before going to/after leaving eleanor roosevelt private school walter reed junior high school 2, used for simon's middle school before going to Kennedy High School and ruthie's middle school before going to eleanor roosevelt private school before going back to walter reed junior high.
7th heaven house used in the first season 7th heaven house used in the first season 7th heaven house used in the first season

Thankyou goes to Justin for the lovely photos of the beautiful Glenoak Community Church. Your help is much appreciated, so thankyou dearly for the photos.

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